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Johnny Burnette / God, Country And My Baby & Roses Are Red (My Love) / (1961) / V+
Johnny Burnette / God, Country And My Baby & Roses Are Red (My Love) / (1961) / V+
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Johnny Cash  / All Over You & What Do I Care (1959) / E
Johnny Cash  / All Over You & What Do I Care (1959) / E
Johnny Cash  / All Over You (Nuev Amente) & What Do I Care (Que Me Importa) / (1959) / E
Johnny Cash  / All Over You (Nuev Amente) & What Do I Care (Que Me Importa) / (1959) / E
Johnny Cash / Guess Things Happen That Way & Come In Stranger (1958) / E
Johnny Cash / Guess Things Happen That Way & Come In Stranger (1958) / E
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